Bernard Nomberg Live Interview
COVID-19 will impact your law firm marketing and growth.
“U.S. Economy Faces Long Recovery From Coronavirus Effects, Experts Say” That is the headline from the Wall Street Journal from June 1, 2020. But for lawyers, that headline is too high-level from which to draw any conclusions. The more appropriate headline for us lawyers is, “what does the recovery look like for our clients?… Continue reading COVID-19 will impact your law firm marketing and growth.
Lawyers Hate Payment Plans (That’s Why We Built This Software)
“I’m a lawyer, not a bank.” – Dan Joffe, Next Law Professional Corp & LawExpand I was looking for a great quote to start this blog post but couldn’t find one as perfect as the one in my head — “I’m a lawyer, not a bank.” While it’s true, a lawyer is not a bank;… Continue reading Lawyers Hate Payment Plans (That’s Why We Built This Software)